
The purpose of our family is to help people grow. And we invest our time, knowledge, networking, and money in technological projects and scientific experiments that are trying to solve questions of quality of education, people's behaviors, and personality traits.
We are  glad to be helpful personally by sharing our experience on work-life balance, mental health, or even building relations inside a family.
Projects we support

As the leading global Jewish humanitarian organization, we rescue Jews in danger, provide aid to vulnerable Jews, develop innovative solutions to Israel’s most complex social challenges, cultivate a Jewish future, and lead the Jewish community’s response to global crises like natural disasters, public health emergencies, and more. For over 100 years, our work has put the timeless Jewish value of mutual responsibility into action, making JDC essential to the survival of millions of people and the advancement of Jewish life across the globe.

Repro Grants is a “fast grants” program, that awards $25K-$100K to ambitious research projects aiming to deepen our understanding of the female reproductive system.

Longevity Foundation - a non-profit organisation advancing the field of human longevity by funding research and development of medical technologies to extend the healthy human lifespan.

Wois - International Media platform for experts and bright-minded people in different industries with a mission to impact personal growth.